Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Determining Validity of Research Framework
Determining Validity of Research Framework CHAPTER SEVEN FRAMEWORK VALIDATION 7.1à Introduction This chapter focuses on the evaluation and validation of the framework. The research validity and method deployed to maximise the validity will be discussed in the first part of this chapter. Also, the eternal framework validity will then be discussed.à The second part of this chapter will analyse and discuss the results obtained from the evaluation of the framework.à à The framework evaluation has been carried out by academics and experts practitioners and has measured the suitability and effectiveness of the framework in the construction sector. 7.2 Validity The validation process started at the first stage of the research,à making sure that the research participants, measuring instruments and context were exclusively accomplishing the research aim.à A number of writers have contended that validity cannot be applied to qualitative research. At the same time, have understood the need for some qualifying check or measure for their research (Golafshani 2003). Clearly there are no direct tests validating qualitative research; however, this does not imply that there are no guidelines (Patton 1990). Through the stages of this research, the effort has been made to guarantee that: (1) the measuring instrument is measuring the concept being referred to and no other concepts; and (2) there is an accurate measurement of the concept (Bailey 1994). The measuring instruments used in the interview method were the interview questions; also the method used in analysing the data collected and building the framework. Therefore, it was important to en sure that all research propositions were clear and effectively measured. Also, the method of analysis required the provision of right inferences. Qualitative research has often been portrayed by flexibility and uncertainty, and tension between creativity and rigour. Therefore at the interview analysis and the stages of framework building,à a critical compromise was carefully considered (Pyett 2003). The analysis of interviews engaged a deductive process whereby the author was his most trenchant critic (Cook and Campbell 1976, p: 229).à This is known as internal validity.à However, in this study, an open viewpoint of validity was used whereby different techniques enhanced the analysis and understanding of the practice of knowledge capture and retrieval and prompted more reliable and valid development of the framework (Golafshani 2003). These methods included: An in-depth revision of the instruments used for data collection and the method of analysis Carrying out a peer review of interviews themes and methods of analysis Carrying out a pilot study; assessing the language of the questions; definitions and terms; clarity of the purpose of questions for interview Construct a descriptive and relational framework for the interview analysis to make sure there is the consistency of analysis criteria and accurate interpretation and inferences. 7.3 External Validity Developing aà framework for the capture and retrieval of WLC knowledge in a construction project is based on a small number of cases, and does not mean this framework can be suitable and effective to other construction organisations practising WLC in the construction sector. However, researchers are also interested in the generalisation of the findings beyond the investigated cases (Schwab 1999). The justification for carrying out an in-depth interview is that people involved in a matured practice have knowledge that would somehow or another not be accessible to the researcher. Therefore, it is the quality of the understanding that is vital, instead of the number of respondents who share it (Wainwright 1997). While researching a few cases may accomplish excellent validity by giving a significant understanding of the practice in those cases; they have been broadly criticised as lacking external validity (De Vaus 2001). The generalising of findings to or across a target population sample is known as external validity (Pedhazur and Schmelkin 1991).à There are no efficient or verifiable methods to carry out external validation based solely on aà single examination of a research relationship (Schwab 1999). However, a definitive way to assess the validity of the proposed framework is to test such principles in reality, yet within research practice, this is rarely conceivable (Pyett 2003). Framework testing by the application method,à it could take quite a while before the reasonable judgment of the framework validity could be reached. Regardless of the possibility that this was to take a short time, there would be a need to access to a huge sample (representing the industry) and the framework implementation in this sector. However, in this particular case, this was viewed difficult.à Nevertheless, a few other methods were able to amplify the framework validity in this study as outlined: Select example case studies organisations (of current and best practices) from the target population in the interview stage. The pilot study provided a solid ground for understanding the current practice of KM; and therefore it was utilised as guiding principles in using the best practice to suit the industry, which boosted the generalising or external framework validity. Looking for the evaluations of the suitability and effectiveness of the framework in the construction sector by experts practitioners and academics. 7.4 Framework evaluation Testing the general framework feasibility by applying it to a large number of organisations representing the construction sector have been difficult in this research.à The framework evaluation by experts was viewed as another alternative for evaluation.à in fact, this method was deemed as appropriate with regards to risk,à finance and value. Assuming that 100 randomly selected organisations are a representative sample and the resources required are accessible in those organisations,à it would take six months for the testing and implementation of the framework (practically it would take years). However what if the framework did not work?à This would mean lost time of 600 months (100 organisation X 6 months) and therefore significant effort.à Therefore, in this case, the evaluation method by experts could be deemed the most appropriate method even though theà generalise by implement method was deemed possible. The reason for the evaluation method accordingly was not to anticipate that the framework was suitable for the organisation of the participated experts;à to obtain the experts evaluation in regards to the frameworks suitability in the industry.à The suitability of the framework was not seen adequate however because the suitable framework did not necessary means it would add value. Therefore, effectiveness was another criterion the evaluation sought to answer. 7.4.1 Participants Justification Based on their experience,à the suitability and the effectiveness of the framework can be judged by experts by using the right tool techniques, required resources and methods. The time and effort required for the framework implementation can also be estimated and matched with the current practice. The participants involved in the framework evaluation is made up of two groups of experts:à academic and practitioners. The practitioners are involved withà WLC practice in the construction project and therefore have a better understanding of the daily work. Also, their participation in a project which requires WLC practice means they can work with other organisation who practice WLC in the construction sector and can understand the verity of work environments. Also, academics are expected to have a deep understanding of different methodological viewpoints, as they know about observation and analysis.à Further,à the academics rely greatly on the construction industry as a major source of information,à so does not imply that they will be isolated. Also, many academics are involved in the practice. Sample A total number of sixteen experts were divided equally between the academics and the practitioner who participated in the framework evaluation. The participants year of experience ranges from eight to thirty-eight years, accounting for the total of three hundred and thirteen years of experience. The eight practitioners were from the three case study organisations who participated in the pilot and main interview of the study. The focus on practitioners was on those in the field with experience in WLC practice because they had an in-depth understanding of the WLC practice. Also,à participating academics were from four universities in the UK, working in the built environment and information and knowledge management departments. Experts Job title Year of experience Practitioners Organisation A Project Manager 35 Quantity Surveyor 20 Building Surveyor 7 Organisation B Quantity Surveyor 6 Project Manager 33 Organisation C Costà Estimator 15 Project Manager 27 Construction Manager 7 Academics Senior Lecturer 12 Senior Lecturer 30 Lecturer 6 Lecturer 7 Lecturer 25 Lecturer 25 Reader 31 Reader 21 Table 7.1: Characteristics of participating experts in the framework evaluation Because the framework evaluation required a seminar presentation,à this process was thought to be long, and it was expected a low rate of response. Therefore, it was decided to reach the target of participants by sending invites to a member of staff with the three case study organisations.à The total number invitations forwarded was 300 of which 120 were sent to academics; and 180 to the three case study organisations. 7.4.2 Method of Evaluation Emails was used a tool to invite experts and included; An overview of the research project Request to participate in the evaluation of the framework for the purpose of validity Request on the best times which suits each of the case study organisation for a 40mins seminar presentation The framework was presented to each case study organisation usingà Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.à The presentation was interactive in which participants lessened the explanation; while diagram parts were moved in each presentation slides accordingly.à The seminar presentation was arranged into ten slides which took a narrative sequence of logic since it began by clarifying the parts of the framework independently and afterwards presented the strategic framework. Figure 7.1: A screenshot of the PowerPoint presentation The questionnaire was designed and hosted using the online service provider: Survey Monkey and consisted of two parts. Firstly, details about participants including name, organisation, job title, business and size of the organisation. secondly,à the framework evaluation and this wasà included inà two sections Score based questions to the rate the suitability and effectiveness of the developed framework Seeking the opinions of the participants about the advantages, limitations and ways of improving the framework. It was decided to present the framework diagrammatically showing the strategic, tactical and operational levels.à à The presentation gave a more in-depth description; however diagrams were sent to four research students to assess their readability, and the outcomes affirmed that such diagrams could convey the concept and details of the framework if the reader had extensive experience in construction management. One of the research students who took part in the pilot study was a medical doctor, dissociated from the construction industry, who found the framework unreadable, Although he has a good understanding of the major concept. Respondents were also sent an attachment of the presentations slides via email. 7.5à Results 7.5.1à Suitability of framework Participants were being asked to show their rating for suitability for each of the components of the framework; where 1 implied unsuitable and 5 suitable. The answer from the analysis uncovered that the levels of suitability for all approaches were considered far above the ground. As shown in Table 7.2,à 3.74 out of 5 is the lowest mean value for the architecture of the knowledge base. Although it is not indicated in the value that the architecture of knowledge base is a 100% suitable, rather, it shows that it is likely going to be more suitable than unsuitable. The circumstance with regards to knowledge capture, retrieval and structure approach much better as they all have a score ofà 4 out of 5.à The skewness measure has a negative value which showsà that the mass of distribution concentrates on the side of suitable. Knowledge Capture Knowledge retrieval Knowledge Structure Architecture of Knowledge Base N Valid 16 16 16 16 Missing 0 0 0 0 Mean à à à à à à à à à à 3.9375 4.0625 4.0000 3.7500 Std. Deviation à à à à à à à à .85391 .85391 .89443 1.00000 Skewness à à à à à à à -.605 -.863 -.639 -.343 Table 7.2: Suitability of the framework components Figure 7.2 shows that the majority of the participants gave a 4 or 5 rating of the suitability of all the framework components. With regards to the architecture of the knowledge base, the suitability was rated under 3 by two participants (i.e. 2). The normal curve illustrates that the approximation of the average of all components almost falls in the 4 rate of suitability. All the indications provide evidence that those components are suitable for the construction organisations. 7.5.2à Effectiveness of framework Participants were being asked to show their rating for effectiveness for each of the components of the framework; where 1 implied to be ineffective and 5 effective. The mean value of effectiveness for all components as shown is (Table 7.3) are above 3.75 and ranges between 3.87 and 4.18. The skewness measure has a negative value which shows that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the side of effectiveness. Knowledge Capture Knowledge Retrieval Knowledge Structure Architecture of Knowledge Base N Valid 16 16 15 16 Missing 0 0 1 0 Mean 4.0625 4.18750 3.9333 3.8750 Std. Deviation .85391 .910586 .79881 1.02470 Skewness -.863 -1.019 -.842 -.571 Table 7.3: Effectiveness of the framework components As shown on the histograms shown in Figure 7.3 shows that the majority of experts participants evaluated all components to a score 4 or 5 rates of effectiveness. Knowledge retrieval thus turns out slightly more effective than the other framework components. The normal curve makes it clear the approximation of the average rate of all components which almost lies in the 4 rate of effectiveness. All the indicators together provide evidence that those components will be effective when implemented. 7.5.3à The Entire Framework Suitability Experts participants were asked to indicate their rate of suitability for the entire framework using the same criteria as mentioned above. As shown in Table 7.4, the mean value of suitability (3.93) and the negative value of the skewness measure provide an encouraging indication for the external validity. In Figure 7.5,à the pie chart shows that the majority of experts participants (62%) rate the suitability 4 out of 5; and the vast majority (81.3%) are either giving the framework a rate of 5 or 4. Furthermore, the histogram in Figure 7.4 shows that only one expert gave a rating of suitability under 3 (i.e. 2). Therefore, the indications of suitability are positive and show that this framework is considered suitable. The Entire Framework Suitability N Valid 16 Missing 0 Mean à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 3.9375 Std. Deviation à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à .77190 Skewness à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à -.881 Table 7.4: The entire framework suitability 7.5.4à Effectiveness of the Entire Framework Expert participants were asked to indicate their rate of effectiveness for the entire framework using the same criteria as mentioned above. The mean value (4) and the skewness measure value (negative) which shows that the framework is evaluated to be effective as shown in Table 7.5. A third of the experts participant shows a full mark of effectiveness, and 40% scored the framework a rate of 4 for effectiveness as shown in Figure 7.7. However, as shown in Figure 7.6, three experts rate it a 3 and one a 2. Nonetheless, the normal curve is pointing to an approximation of effectiveness at the rate of 4. Indications show that the framework is effective. Effectiveness of the Entire Framework N Valid 15 Missing 1 Mean 4.0000 Std. Deviation .92582 Skewness -.623 Table 7.5: Effectiveness of the entire framework. 7.5.5à Experts Opinion about the Framework The expert participants were requested to express their opinion about the framework regarding suitability, effectiveness, advantages and limitations. This could give additional assessment not covered in the closed-ended questions. Twelve of the feedbacks were received and had been listed below: It looks good to me. The problem is getting it work in practice. Great model and l like it, particularly the knowledge forms and the categorisation. This will help save time when searching for knowledge I think the overall seminar presentation was good and it covered a lot of the things we do not consider as worth pointing out in our day to day project delivery implementation. It is very hard to make a judgment on these key issues just on the presentation. However, I am quite inspired by the approach to knowledge capture. Although the presentation is great, however, the information, it provides is insufficient. It seems very general. The framework works well in suitability and effectiveness; and in use of collaboration tools, intranet tools with knowledge management within organisations. It is essential for a large organisation that staff can find and utilise answers as well as gaining access to the subject matter, experts and sharing information on similar projects and programmes. The advantages are that knowledge is shared rather than lost or protected by individuals. The saying that knowledge is power is true of individuals; However in organisations that are able and willing to capture knowledge and share this with the wider team rather than isolating it with individual project members. The framework is suitable and effective in many areas and an insightful and logical structure. There is some duplication, but that would seem to be unavoidable. Leadership support is important, with top-bottom commitment. Co-operation/sharing is not always a natural inclination in individuals. The framework seems to be highly advanced and would require an ITà system to enhance its processes and to encourage people to use it. If all members of the organisation are contributing positively to the framework; and most of them have the ability to capture, retrieve, and then re-use the captured knowledge, then the system will be for sure highly effective. In reality, I think we share the knowledge sometimes, but even when we do so, we do not document or capture them properly. As a result, we lose whatever we have shared as we cannot capture, structure and re-use all the knowledge captured by only relying on our brain capabilities. We as practitioners need such a framework to assist us to have a better understanding of the knowledge so we can use it appropriately. From an overall point of view, I admire you for this excellent presentation, and it was informative and well structured. We have learned a lot from this insightful presentation about knowledge management. There is no doubt that this framework is needed for business success. Although the framework appears to be complicated on its operational side; I am certain that if theà KM operation depends on this model, the result will be relevant and highly efficient. The framework makes sense from a project management perspective. However, knowledge capture and retrieval are complex and resource intensive activities and can be onerous to the project team if proper incentives are not aligned with the leaderships expectation of knowledge sharing. I think if your framework is properly applied, it will be extremely effective. Also, it is highly suitable. Regarding its advantages, I think it is simple to read and understand by any person who has a basic level of knowledge management and its management. The issues mentioned in the comments can be grouped into four categories: Firstly, those which highlight the role of knowledge capture and retrieval. Secondly, those who stress the importance and need for such a framework, due to the awareness of the problem, and thus confirm the motives for this research. Thirdly, indications that the framework may require a huge effort and construction projects already involved in demanding work. This issue has been discussed in the statement of the problem (section 1.4) whereby the problem lies on the capture and not the retrieval side. To minimise the problem, the project review was adopted as the main technique for knowledge capture which already exists in projects, rather than introducing a new approach. Additionally, the daily based reviews were rejected in this research for the same reason. Furthermore, a strategy for motivation has been pinpointed in the framework to ensure the application of knowledge capture. Fourthly and most importantly, a suitable and effective framework will also require careful application and effort. This has been said by several experts, and therefore considered a critical point, because the good theory does not necessary guarantee successful application. Finally, an expert described the framework to be very general. As aIn fact the framework is considering a particular area to investigate, related to knowledge capture and retrieval of project management processes, in the context of the project. Models inside the framework have provided precise details regarding what to do in particular scenarios. Also, knowledge capture and retrieval cannot be tackled in isolation from issues such as. Leadership support and cooperative culture. It is worth mentioning that this expert selected the rating of 2 for all of the 10 rating-based questions which are considered statistically biased. However, it was thought that this academic expert provided his personal details and these matched the tracking information. Therefore it was considered a valid response, and his opinion was appreciated. Other points were also considered related to the advantages of the framework; and impressions about the presentation. 7.5.6 Framework Improvement Another question was put forward in regards to how the framework can be improved. The feedback from the expert participants are listed below: By trial and error. The framework can be improved after application l did not analyse the presentation critically to make rational input in this direction I would rather read the whole PhD thesis and make my suggestions What issues should be addressed? Profitability, time and teamwork? There is no such thing as ideal knowledge framework. Therefore the knowledge framework can also be improved. Evolvement of a framework can be made by lessons learnt from previous projects; receiving constructive criticism and using good management techniques such as benefits and stakeholder management. Furthermore being clear about the benefits of knowledge capture and retrieval, with the onward transmittal/access of results by stakeholders, communication and using the framework communication channels for optimum use. The framework is excellent for understanding the needs and requirements of this age, and that knowledge should be shared for the benefit of all within an organisation; rather than being kept and possibly lost by the few, when the project team is dissolved or re-assigned. Show an example of how it will operate in practice. Working hand in hand with the IT system which enhances its process and records all captured knowledge after structuring it. The answers can be categorised into four major groups: Firstly, improvement is a continuous process, and the most appropriate way to improve the framework is through the application. Secondly, improvement can be achieved by addressing time, profitability and teamwork which have already been addressed in this study. Profitability is a significant factor that can declare the importance of knowledge capture and retrieval of the project and is, therefore, one of the areas to be embarked upon. However, the development of a model to measure economic profit alone is enough to do a research project. Thirdly, the exertion of effort in linking the IT system with knowledge capture and retrieval approaches. The knowledge base is a component of the framework, and there is a need to train people on the use of the knowledge base which links knowledge capture and retrieval approaches. Finally, the use of labels to distinguish between compulsory and optional activities and resources. This has been presented differently in this research as the majority of the activities and resources were thought to be important if knowledge was required to be captured and retrieved successfully. It was decided only to emphasise activities or resources that were suggested but not deemed necessary. 7.6à Summary This chapter has set out to determine the validity of the framework. It has demonstrated that validity relies on of the inherent validity of the methods of data collection, analysis, and the inferences led to the construction of the framework. Critical in-depth revision, piloting, peer reviews and a fixed framework for analysis were the methods used in this research to maximise its validity. For the purpose of generalising (external validity) the framework, a number of factors were considered early on in this project. These included using a randomly selected sample in the survey; choosing a sample of best practice from the target population and comparing the results of best practice with the current practice obtained in the survey to assess the ability of and utilise the solution for the target population. Further steps were taken to test the generalisability of the framework by inviting practitioner and academic experts to evaluate its suitability and effectiveness. The results have indicated that the framework and its components are applicable and effective. à Ã
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Effects of Violence in the Media Essay -- essays research papers
The Effects of Violence In the Media ââ¬Å"Someone just got shoot on the streets due to the violence in the media.â⬠That is what some people are saying that violence in the media is the cause of that. The controversy of the effects that violence has on people has been going on for a long time. This paper is going to prove both sides of the controversy and let one decide which side is right. Violence is on the news and on everyday action shows. Theses everyday shows are targeted for the kids of the world who are in the stages which are important for their lives. At this point in their lives the kids can make life changing decisions the violence on TV has some effects on that decision. One might watch a scene from ââ¬Å"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlesâ⬠which may show them betting up a bad guy for trying to hurt someone. ââ¬Å"The consequences of killing, especially by the "good guys," are seldom shown.â⬠It doesnââ¬â¢t show the turtles getting in trouble for hurting someone it shows them as being the good guys. In real life you wonââ¬â¢t be going around betting people up with out getting into trouble as well. Itââ¬â¢s not like the kids wonââ¬â¢t see so act of violence on TV for there is 50-60 times more violent commercial TV for the children then for the adultââ¬â¢s prime-time programs. Do you try to stop that by putting up parental controls on your TV? If you do that you have the protection on your TV but what about the TVs at their friendââ¬â¢s houses? ââ¬Å"The typical American child watches 28 hours of television a week, and by the age of 18 will have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence.â⬠With all of that violence on TV there is a good chance of a child thinking that violence is the answer to all their questions. Yet it isnââ¬â¢t just the TV that brings us the violence there are other factors. ââ¬Å"Girls who watched more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their wives.â⬠This is true but what if you didnââ¬â¢t watch the violent TV shows but your parents acted that way to each other? Would you turn into a wife better or would you turn into a caring person? This hasnââ¬â¢t been proven so I canââ¬â¢t give you an exact answer. What I do believe is that children look up to their parents ... ...eed to be able to perform your best when you are in reality. One bad thing about thinking you are in the dream world is that you might think that you are in that dream world all the time. ââ¬Å"He was blaming the doctors and nurses for his pain, since on TV getting shot didn't seem to be all that big of a deal.â⬠This is showing that some people canââ¬â¢t realize when they are out of that dream world. If they donââ¬â¢t realize that they are out of the dream world then they might act the same way as they see on TV. They might just go and bet someone up because they were doing something that they didnââ¬â¢t like or they were doing something wrong. ââ¬Å"Children who watched one to three hours of television each day when they were 14 to 16 years old were 60 per cent more likely to be involved in assaults and fights as adults.â⬠This is saying that people might act like the people in the TV shows that they might watch in real life. Take for instance someone just watched ââ¬Å"Fight Clubâ⬠they might turn around and start fighting each other for sport and think that they can get away with it. If you are doing that in your own home that is ok but when you bring it out onto the streets you could be arrested for it.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Inferiority Complex
Inferiority Complex ââ¬Å"I do not know anything; I have got nothing to show the world; I do not have any worth. â⬠These are the common thoughts of a person with inferiority complex. The study of this condition was first pioneered by Alfred Adler. Inferiority complex is characterized as a feeling that one is lesser than others in some way. People with this illness do not feel good about their selves or refuse to listen to anything positive about them. It is not just the usual feeling of inferiority that people sometimes have. It is a much higher condition which can result to a personââ¬â¢s withdrawal from social contacts. This abnormal state can be caused by parental attitudes and upbringing, physical defects, mental limitations, social disadvantages and discriminations. Parental attitudes and upbringing refers to the parentsââ¬â¢ behavior during oneââ¬â¢s childhood that usually results to unfavorable outcome to a childââ¬â¢s personality. Such behaviors like emphasizing the mistakes and shortcomings of the child and the approval of negative remarks, instead of encouraging them to do better next time can be the cause. Physical defects may also cause a person to feel inferior from others, especially when his appearance makes him feel or think that he is deprived. Mental limitations, social disadvantages and discrimination also are other factors that can promote inferiority complex for these also induce fear. It is usually the fear of competitions because oneââ¬â¢s weaknesses can be exposed in such things. There are some possible solutions to this problem. First is enhancing oneââ¬â¢s strength. By enhancing the strengths of a person, he can have a higher self esteem. His goals in life can be achieved only if he has confidence with himself. Next, a can camouflage his weaknesses. If he can not convert his weakness into his strength, he can always find things in which he is good at. Through this, attention will be focused on the good things he has, rather on his disabilities. Lastly, one can consult a psychiatrist. The fact that it is their expertise means they can contribute so much in the process of surpassing the condition. Though inferiority complex may be hard to conquer, one must not think that he is at the end of the cliff. Probably, the best thing to do is to consult a psychiatrist. Not only he will be guided along the way; he will also be assured of positive results through both of their efforts. Help is always available, but of course one must have the courage. If one will not help himself, overcoming this problem will be too difficult. So, if you or anybody you know has this condition, find or seek help. A consultation to a psychiatrist would not hurt. In fact, it is definitely a big help.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Importance of Art Essay - 969 Words
The Importance of Art Throughout the ages art has played a crucial role in life. Art is universal and because art is everywhere, we experience it on a daily basis. From the houses we live in (architecture) to the movies we see (theatre) to the books that we read (literature). Even in ancient culture art has played a crucial role. In prehistoric times cave dwellers drew on the wall of caves to record history. In biblical times paintings recorded the life and death of Christ. Throughout time art has recorded history. Most art is created for a specific reason or purpose, it has a way of expressing ideas and beliefs, and it can record the experiences of all people. Most art has some sort of reason or purpose behind it. It mightâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Many people thought that African art was too abstract with no attempt to look real. On the other hand, an Italian artist named Bellini painted ââ¬Å"Christ Blessingâ⬠which is another example of symbolic art. Some of the symbols Bellini uses are- Christ is wearing a purple robe, which is a symbol of grief. Scars on his hand indicated this took place after the crucifixion. Various motifs in the distant landscape allude to the resurrection. For instance, the bird on the barren branches of a tree represents death, a pair of rabbits signify regeneration, there are three robed figures that are Mary Magdalen, Mary, the mother of James and Mary Salome, who having visited the tomb of Christ hurry to tell the disciples of the empty tomb and the bell tower denotes that salvation is found through Christââ¬â¢s sacrifice. All of these things are in the painting for a reason, they record i n detail about an event in history. Many cultures around the world express their ideas and beliefs in various works of art. In Africa the Nigerian Chokwe tribe held great respect for their dead ancestors. They would pray while carving an ancestral figure. One example of their work is in the figure ââ¬Å"Chibindaâ⬠(The Hunter). This figure represents the culture hero Ilunga Katele, royal ancestor of the Chokwe people. Ilunga taught the art of hunting. This figure is wearing elaborate headgear, which is a sign of royal rank. He holds aShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Art1760 Words à |à 8 PagesThe question of how valuable art is, is something that has been debated for hundreds of years; as well as the that art has to have a purpose. People have used the arts for religious or political purposes for far longer than the idea that art can be for its own sake. For instance, in ancient Greece and Rome art was used for religious and political purposes and was not made for pure enjoyment. Also, within the early christian church it was seen as a tool for religious purposes. 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However, with all of the academic benefits students can gain from being involved in any type of art subject, it is important that schoolsRead MoreThe Importance Of Public Art1031 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat is art? The answer to that has been debated for thousands of years. The definition of art is too broad a topic to discuss in just a few words. Public art, though also varying wildly from piece to piece, can be defined more easily. Its not considered an art form, so to speak, because it can be any piece of art available to the public to view, of any size or medium. This includes sculptures, murals, and architecture. Some people may even consider graffiti to be public art. And its not justRead MoreThe Importance Of Arts In Education897 Words à |à 4 PagesUnited States offer a variety of arts programs, while other schools may have mediocre to non-existent arts programs. Students in their early years of schooling from elementary to high school depending on whether he or she has an arts education can affect them in the long run. Art programs since the 1980s have integrated into public education, however the No Child Left Behind act has since put the arts in the decline. According to Americans, 93% of them agree the arts are vital to providing a well-roundedRead MoreThe Importance Of Art Artifacts1389 Words à |à 6 Pagesownership on precious and ancient artifacts. These historical art pieces represent culture, history, and religion. There is a lot of knowledge and background stories that can be obtained from these art pieces that need to be spread around the world. Museums and countries from which the artifacts originated have been at battle on who should keep the art artifacts. From most peopleââ¬â¢s view, it is morally wrong and disrespectful that museums keep the art artifacts away from its origin. However, in reality, theRead MoreImportance Of Arts In Education868 Words à |à 4 PagesThe arts should be known as a core academic subject. Arts should be in education at schools because it helps with all of the students classes. Music includes about every subject. Math, with the counting and rhythms. English in the reading of the music; Scien ce in the history of the writers the music and what time the music was written; History is the time frame of the songs and the music that tells a story; Physics, in the way the instructor conducts. Clearly music is a pretty important art. For
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